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台灣閩南語聲調(1): 長平調 (Tones in Taiwanese Southern Min (1): long level tones)

Basic Tones in Taiwanese Southern Min


Disclaimer:  The audio files provided on this site were made of and by me unless otherwise indicated. Nevertheless, I am not a native speaker of Taiwanese Southern Min in the strictest sense, nor am I a teacher of the language. The sound samples are meant for reference only.



In Taiwanese Southern Min, which is mutually intelligible to Amoy/Xiamenese (also known as Hokkien in South East Asia), there are eight commonly used basic tonal types. However, if we take only pitch level and transition into consideration, the number can be reduced to five, including three level tones, one rising tone, and one falling tone. So, once you've got the level tones covered, you’re already good to go with the remaining tones. (Well, sorta.)


持平調可以分為長平調與短平調。長平調分為低、中、高三個,分別可對應到Do, Re, Mi三個音高,用數字標記則為11, 22, 33。同樣地,短平調也分為低、中、高三個,分別可對應到Do, Re, Mi三個音高,用數字標記則為10, 20, 30。舉例而言,長低平調的11表示兩拍Do,而短低平調的10表示一拍Do和一拍休止符。由於短平調只出現在以/p/, /t/, /k/或喉塞音結尾的音節當中,而長平調只出現在其他的音節型態,兩者不致混淆,因此可化約為低、中、高持平調,並分別簡記為1, 2, 3。

[Level tones]

Level tones can be either long or short. There are three long level tones, low, mid, and high, which respectively correspond to Do, Re, and Mi note in pitch, and which are numerically notated as 11, 22, and 33 in that order. Likewise, there are also three short level tones, low, mid, and high, which respectively correspond to Do, Re, and Mi note in pitch, and which are numerically notated as 10, 20, and 30 in that order. For instance, the 11 notation for the long low level tone indicates two beats of the Do note while the 10 notation for the short one means one beat of the Do note and one beat of pause. Since short level tones only occur in syllables that end with /p/, /t/, /k/, or the glottal stop whereas long ones only occur elsewhere, no confusion between the two types would arise. So, we can simply talk about low, mid, and high level tones and notate them as 1, 2, and 3 respectively without bothering to make the long/short distinction. 



[Contour tones]
Luckily, there is only one rising tone and one falling tone. So, as long as you are raising or lowering your pitch, you won’t be outrageously misunderstood even if you are not reaching the target pitch height. The rising tone starts with the Do note and rises to the Re note, so it can be numerically notated as 12. The falling tone starts with the Mi note and falls all the way down to the Do note, so it can be numerically notated as 31.


The description here is only applicable to the southern dialect. The actual pronunciation may vary from one place to another due to dialectal difference.


  • 台灣閩南語羅馬字拼音方案及其發音學習網


  • Tutorial on Romanization and pronunciation of Taiwanese Southern Min (The website is in Mandarin)


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

郡群布農語子音(3): h, s, v, z (Isbukun Bunun Consonant Sounds (3): h, s, v, z)

Writing and Pronunciation in Isbukun Bunun


Disclaimer:  The audio files provided on this site were made of and by me unless otherwise indicated. Nevertheless, I am neither a native speaker nor a teacher of any indigenous language. The sound samples are meant for reference only.

  • 連字號(-):用以區分音節。例如"hai-ap"(意為「知道」)表示該詞須切割為”hai”及”ap”兩個音節,而非”ha”及”iap”兩個音節。
  • 尖音符(ˊ):用以標記重音音節。若無尖音符則表示重音落在倒數第二音節。

Special symbols:
  • Hyphen (-): indicates syllable boundaries. For instance, “hai-ap” (meaning “know”) means the word consists of syllables “hai” and “ap”, but not “ha” and “iap” (or other possibilities).
  • Acute accent (ˊ): indicates the stressed syllable. In the absence of the acute accent, the stress falls on the penultimate syllable by default.


The stressed syllable is pronounced with a high level pitch when the stress falls on the non-final syllable, and with a high falling pitch when the stress falls on the last syllable.


  • 在i之前或之後的s通常顎化為[ʃ]
  • 在詞尾的v和z通常清化為[f]和[θ]

Phonological changes:

  • “s” before or after “i” is usually palatalized into [ʃ].
  • “v” and “z” at the word-finally position are usually devoiced into [f] and [θ] respectively.

  • 《原住民族語基礎教材: 字母篇》,行政院原住民委員會,民100
  • Isbukun布農語構詞法研究,讀冊文化,民90

  • Basic Teaching Materials of the Indigenous Languages: Letters, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, 2011
Study on the Morphology of Isbukun Bunun,Ducewenhua,2001

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


郡群布農語子音(2): l, m, n, ng (Isbukun Bunun Consonant Sounds (2): l, m, n, ng)

Writing and Pronunciation in Isbukun Bunun


Disclaimer:  The audio files provided on this site were made of and by me unless otherwise indicated. Nevertheless, I am neither a native speaker nor a teacher of any indigenous language. The sound samples are meant for reference only.

  • 連字號(-):用以區分音節。例如"hai-ap"(意為「知道」)表示該詞須切割為”hai”及”ap”兩個音節,而非”ha”及”iap”兩個音節。
  • 尖音符(ˊ):用以標記重音音節。若無尖音符則表示重音落在倒數第二音節。

Special symbols:
  • Hyphen (-): indicates syllable boundaries. For instance, “hai-ap” (meaning “know”) means the word consists of syllables “hai” and “ap”, but not “ha” and “iap” (or other possibilities).
  • Acute accent (ˊ): indicates the stressed syllable. In the absence of the acute accent, the stress falls on the penultimate syllable by default.


The stressed syllable is pronounced with a high level pitch when the stress falls on the non-final syllable, and with a high falling pitch when the stress falls on the last syllable.


  • 在相同音節當中,i之前或之後的s通常顎化為[ɕ]
  • 在詞尾的v和z通常清化為[f]和[θ]

Phonological changes:

  • “s” before or after “i” in the same syllable is usually palatalized into [ɕ].
  • “v” and “z” at the word-final position are usually devoiced into [f] and [θ] respectively.

  • 《原住民族語基礎教材: 字母篇》,行政院原住民委員會,民100
  • Isbukun布農語構詞法研究,讀冊文化,民90

  • Basic Teaching Materials of the Indigenous Languages: Letters, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, 2011
Study on the Morphology of Isbukun Bunun,Ducewenhua,2001

美式慣用語(1): get up the juice (American Idioms (1): get up the juice)

美式慣用語(1): get up the juice
American Idioms (1): get up the juice


Disclaimer:  The audio files provided on this site were made of and by me unless otherwise indicated. Nevertheless, I am neither a native speaker nor a teacher of English. The sound samples are meant for reference only.

get up the juice

English: get up the energy, pluck up the courage

[例句] (Example)
I think if I were to stay in Italy for another three years, he might actually get up the juice to kiss me. (Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert)


相信大家都知道,get up當不及物動詞時,意思是「起床、起身」,然而在這個慣用語當中,get up後接受詞the juice,當及物動詞用,意思是「使...升起、鼓起...」。而一般意思是「果汁、汁液」的juice在這裡指的是「活力、精力、能量」。juice在美式口語還有其他許多意思,包括「權力、燃料、電流、錢財、酒精飲料」等。

In its intransitive use, “to get up” most commonly means “to arise from bed” or “to stand up”. However, “to get up” in this idiom, where it is followed by the object “the juice”, means “to cause something to arise”, which is a transitive use. In this case, “juice” does not refer to the fluid content of a plant, but rather to energy or spirits. In American English, “juice” is also a slang term for various things, including “influence”, “fuel”, “electric currents”, “money”, and “alcohol”.

[網路例句] (Examples from the web)
  • And I figure, you know, if you can't get up the juice to write while you're taking a writing course, you were -- as Mark Twain said -- meant for cutting wood. (Interview: Gregory Frost by Victoria McManus)
  • All right, gang. Can you tell me just *how* one is supposed to get up the juice to get going again after falling into a slump? (Irrelevant Ramblings)

  • 而且你知道嗎,我猜想如果你連上寫作課的時候都缺乏提筆寫作的動力,那麼就像馬克吐溫說的,你注定是生來砍柴的。
  • 好吧,大夥們。你們能不能告訴我,在歷經挫敗之後,到底要怎樣才能重振精神再出發呢?


郡群布農語子音(1): p, t, c, k, b, d (Isbukun Bunun Consonant Sounds (1): p, t, c, k , b, d)

Writing and Pronunciation in Isbukun Bunun


Disclaimer:  The audio files provided on this site were made of and by me unless otherwise indicated. Nevertheless, I am neither a native speaker nor a teacher of any indigenous language. The sound samples are meant for reference only.


  • 連字號(-):用以區分音節。例如"hai-ap"(意為「知道」)表示該詞須切割為”hai”及”ap”兩個音節,而非”ha”及”iap”兩個音節。
  • 尖音符(ˊ):用以標記重音音節。若無尖音符則表示重音落在倒數第二音節。

Special symbols:

  • Hyphen (-): indicates syllable boundaries. For instance, “hai-ap” (meaning “know”) means the word consists of syllables “hai” and “ap”, but not “ha” and “iap” (or other possibilities).
  • Acute accent (ˊ): indicates the stressed syllable. In the absence of the acute accent, the stress falls on the penultimate syllable by default.


The stressed syllable is pronounced with a high level pitch when the stress falls on the non-final syllable, and with a high falling pitch when the stress falls on the last syllable.


  • 在i之前或之後的s通常顎化為[ʃ]
  • 在詞尾的v和z通常清化為[f]和[θ]

Phonological changes:

  • “s” before or after “i” is usually palatalized into [ʃ].
  • “v” and “z” at the word-finally position are usually devoiced into [f] and [θ] respectively.

  • 《原住民族語基礎教材: 字母篇》,行政院原住民委員會,民100
  • Isbukun布農語構詞法研究,讀冊文化,民90

  • Basic Teaching Materials of the Indigenous Languages: Letters, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, 2011
Study on the Morphology of Isbukun Bunun,Ducewenhua,2001